Sunday, January 13, 2013

Section 5: Cognitive Development

Adolescent in her early Formal Operational Thinking stages.
35. I performed adolescent egocentrism when I experienced "imaginary audience" and "personal fable." I experienced "imaginary audience" when I had first started to get pimples. Thinking that everyone will look and comment on my pimples, I covered it with my bangs, even though my hair will not really make the pimples disappear (in fact, I think it made it worse). I looked "emo" because my bangs was hiding my eyes and face a lot. 
As for "personal fable," I would always consider myself smarter and better than most of the students in my middle school because I would usually get higher grades and test scores than most of them.
it was 7 something wen we got out

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Section 6: Moral Development

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

36. I think that in Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development, I am at Stage 4. I am here because right now, I always try to abide by the rules and feel guilty whenever I am breaking the law. However, I feel as if I am crossing over little by little to Stage 5. Especially now because I have become more aware of issues that we discuss in class concerning moral quandaries. I am in this stage because I have surpassed the Pre-Conventional stage already but has not yet completely jumped to Stage 5 in the Post-Conventional stage.